OMD-5504DA Series from $595
Four Channel Current or Voltage Analog Output Card
- Four 12-Bit Independent D/A Converters
- Third Wire Remote Sense
- Voltage or Current Output Models
- Laptop Compatible
- Menu Driven Software Included
The OMEGA OMD-5504DA analog output board has four independent 12-bit D/A
channels. The board, for use with IBM PC/XT/AT/386 and compatible computers, has a
settling time of 10 ╡sec, providing maximum D/A throughputs of
100 kHz. The OMD-5504DA is available with either ▒10 V, 0 to
10 V or 4-20 mA outputs for control applications.
The OMD-5504DA board is supplied with the OMD-DC-36 mating screw termination
panel to accept field wiring directly. For portable applications, additional termination
panels may be purchased to provide a quick connection mechanism between the computer
and signals located at numerous remote locations.
The OMD-5504DA includes a unique utility software that not only allows for testing the
operation of the board but also provides a complete tutorial on jumper settings and sensor
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] OMD-5504 DOS Software Now!
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] OMD-5504 Windows Software Now!
VIEW an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).
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